Paraphrase: The room is gloomy: dark descends from heaven ' Sunrise reflected on the cold bed with a dim light. Who sleeps? A patient with tuberculosis died yesterday at the hospital removed from the peace of cemeteries and funeral removed the sweet chant of the priest and the dormitory, closed at rest as drops of dew dell'aspersorio. Murder! His chest is bleeding through a terrible wound. And it was young! And it was blonde! And it was beautiful! With that body (union barren! Knowledge illusory!) You human knowledge increases the number of questions. While the doctor shouting his lesson and properly cites Vesalius, Hippocrates, Harvey, Bacon, Sprengel and Koch, I think the sweet thoughts that have crossed the head, the wonderful dreams dreamed in vain for that poor young man. I think to the many intangible things that are based on hope! Fiction that will disappear more easily than a stanza of four lines. Also hoped that virgin unburied in the most melancholy, he closed his heart as a sacred place, and now the doctor who cries and hollow him, he insisted: < style="mso-spacerun:yes"> valves> . He continues <> upset and I return to read my views on the pallid face. Science go with your own laws (which comforted the man as the reveal the mysteries of the world)! Riconsegnami worlds of dreams and of the interior is granted peace to the dead and dying. Forgive or pale teenager! O pious young, sweet and pure flower that is less than poetry! And while I recall to myself those beautiful dreams that corpse is discovered a fetus of thirty days.
The poem is entirely covered by a macabre and eerie tone leaves as well guess the title. It consists of fourteen stanzas composed of six lines each, the first verses we part through a realistic description of the environment in which there is a poet and especially the word "lugubrious" and "cold read" we suggest the ' idea of \u200b\u200bdeath that is more explicit in the second stanza. In it the poet seems to underline the brutal and cruel treatment that has been reserved for the poor girl died of tuberculosis, whose body was removed from the rest and peace of the cemetery and was deprived of the right funeral. The negative opinion of the poet against such practices is manifested by the cry "Murder!" that leaves us with his power to imagine the poet railing against the cruel fate of the body of the young. In verse 22, 23, 24 are of the anaphora "and was" there is also an ascending climax between the nouns "young", "blonde" and "beautiful." In the fifth stanza, the poet shows that he feeds the distrust in the possibility of science, which according to him, looking at the corpse will only raise new doubts and uncertainties. We find a clear opposition between the sixth stanza which is outlined in the attitude of the doctor who continues to recite aloud his lesson remain indifferent to the drama of death and the seventh in which instead the poet re-evaluates the world of feelings and let themselves go to a feeling of pity towards the now-defunct girl, whose mind had been crossed while he was alive by dreams, hopes and desires of the kind, as can be inferred from fate of the girl are fleeting, transient and inconsistent most of the verses of a poem, and perhaps this' last statement we can see a case of self-deprecating Boito on poetry.
In the tenth stanza the poet describes with raw realism of what happens during the lesson and makes us the obvious desecration wrought by science as the viola, the secular heart of the girl while he was alive he kept all her most intimate secrets and desires, but now is reduced to base materials. There is a clear contrast between the coldness, indifference, detachment of the doctor who "uproots" the heart and compassion of the young poet who is shocked by the fact that science has no regard for the dead, he prefers the world imagination, feelings and interiority to harsh reality as evidenced by the verses of the third last verse. Finally we see a strong contrast between the last two stanzas it is celebrated in the penultimate purity and innocence of the girl and the last is completely upside down this image that has been given as it turns out that the girl was actually pregnant. In this poem we can find a defining feature of scapigliatura who wants to disturb, surprise the reader, and in this case that will be realized largely by the choice of a rather unconventional topic for a poem as a lesson in anatomy and then by provocative revelation that the young woman was pregnant, a fact that the society of the time was perceived as scandalous and raised in the mentality of moral outrage and condemnation.