nothing now but in the long view says something, perhaps only volumes
certain words seem to cry,
are salty,
are sea, who knows,
between us, it was love ...
But you do not speak, I speak
else the game was mine, polished and clever ...
I'm talking about me, me that I enjoyed myself that I loved and I lost ... I find
nothing to say or do ...
But between us it was love ...
There was among us a game of chance, game of life, hard and a liar ...
Why pretend to want and wish you to be lost ...
Now it's late and I just say it was love, and do not know what ...
all the best is already here, there are
words to explain and perceive and understand, Madeleine, and if I ever remember ...
time, I understand only the touch of your hands and the song lost and found like any other, another life ...
Allons, Madeleine,
some cats or some men, Svante
in a fog or a tapestry,
goodbye goodbye, never to return , you know, with time and all the wind blows away,
tais-toi, tais-toi, tais-toi ...
But sometimes that's how someone is back under some caress ... and then ...
the road immediately swallows lovers, squares and bridges each goes,
and if you want, there you see them dancing again that most people who seem scarves ...
But the best is already here, there are no words ...
but a beer is tempting to more on this day of sticky rubber.
I'm sitting on top of a milestone and I'm thinking about my own business
between a motorcycle and the other is a silent
that I could not describe.
Oh, how far in my shoes than I have done Bartali
sad that nose like a climb
merry eyes from Italian a trip
and the French respect us that bales
still running and you make me - we have to go to the movies - and go to the movies, you go easy. -
is a whole complex of things that causes me to stop here
women sometimes are grumpy or maybe want to have to pee.
this day and sunset orange and swells of memories that you do not know I like to stay here
dusty on the highway, if you want to go, go ...
and go I'm here and look Bartali
stamping on my sandalida sad that nose that curve will win by Italian gay
between the French who are angry and newspapers flying around
There is a bit 'of wind, barking the campaign and there's a moon in the bottom of the blue ...
Among the French who are angry and newspapers flying around and you make me - we have to go to the movies -
and go to the movies, you go easy! -
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