To orient or disoriented completely satellite TV broadcasts on just go to LyngSat .
Lyngsat is a database, continuously updated, which collects, for region and satellite, all channels and packets transmitted in the world. Each channel will then show the frequencies, coding and also footprint. The latter is represented by some closed curves which is associated with a value in dB indicating signal strength. All'ontanandosi center values \u200b\u200bdecrease up to zero.
In europe for example, at 28.2 ° E , the packet is transmitted Sky Digital (the equivalent of Saky Italy for the English! ). Numerous channels are irradiated with different intensities resulting in more footprint. Here are a few!
Astra 2D at 28.2 ° E

North Astra 2A at 28.2 ° E

This also means that depending on the position of the boat you may be signal or not. Montegro For example, one of the most interesting for Yacht , the signal is absent. A large of Genoa instead you get a group of channels broadcast by Sky Digital (Astra 2A North) and those irradiated with beam Astra 2D is not accessible.
course, reception quality, affects the antenna gain that is largely related to the size of the parable . The antenna Seatel 3004, with a diameter of 76 cm, has an EIRP of 44 dB. And 'this value should be compared with the intensities given in the footprint.
In this case, the antenna will receive signals with intensities greater than 44 dB.
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