Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Freeones Tiffany Johnson

Reading makes us richer

Credo che la letteratura serva a sviluppare il nostro spirito critico e ad accrescere la nostra capacità di giudizio, sia nel bene che nel male. Perché con i libri abbiamo l’opportunità to compare ourselves with an endless variety of worlds and ways of being, we have the absolute privilege to enter the mind of a person, even if it is a character artifact of paper (which does not take away their dignity or importance nor ), and in this way we can understand the reasons that led him to be or act a certain way and maybe we understand that sometimes in behavior we thought was completely unjust, there are nuances, of the reasons, causes that do not make them so reprehensible, or vice versa through the book we discover the meanness and poverty, moral attitudes that lurk beneath seemingly entirely blameless, so I believe that literature gives us a great opportunity not only to familiarize ourselves but also the world around us, opens our eyes makes us more aware, more rich and complete.


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