Virginia Woolf :
A room of one's own 1st Chapter
In the first chapter Virginia Woolf tries to explain the purpose of this essay,which is based upon two papers read to the Art Society at Newnham in October 1928. She was asked to talk about women and fiction, a very difficult subject, as a matter of fact the writer first questioned herself upon the real meaning of this commitment wich involves a lot of others themes.The title might have meant simply a few remarks about Jane Austen the Bronte sisters, the Mitfords and some others remarkable female writers, but Virginia Woolf had chosen to explore the subject fully, bearing in mind every point of view. In the opening of the essay she stated that she wanted to handle to the reader a "nugget of pure truth", but at the same time she knew that it would have been impossible for her to draw a conclusion so she ended saying that she could only offer to us the opportunity of drawing our own conclusions as we observe and analyze the facts and the opinion presented by her. It's up to the reader to seek out the truth from her words and decide if it is worth keeping.
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